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Blog 11 - Baba Yaga

The good, The bad, The ugly

baba yaga in her mortar bowl

Do you think Baba Yaga was good or bad?

The Baba Yaga is a supernatural being from Slovak folklore and was first written about in 1755. She is said to be one part of a trio of sisters who all share the same name living as a deity in the birch forest.

Baba Yaga's appearance is is described as that of a deformed old woman who is usually seen flying around in a mortal bowl wielding a pestle in hand. The hut she resides in can be found deep within the forest that stands upon two chicken legs. It is known that Baba Yaga is capable of helping or hindering those who dare seek her out as many stories depict.

The story of Vasilisa the beautiful is the perfect example of how Baba Yaga may help someone in need in her own way. When Vasilisa's mother passed away her father re-married a woman who had two daughters of her own. one day when Vasilisa's father was away on a trip her stepmother and sisters who were incredibly jealous of Vasilisa sold her family home and moved to a cottage in the forest they sent Vasilisa off to collect fire wood to heat the house but this was just to get her out of the house in hopes she would get lost in the forest and not return.

Whilst searching for wood Vasilisa stumbled upon the hut standing on chicken legs intrigued she went inside where she was greeted by Baba Yaga she explained her situation to the old woman who agreed to help on the condition that she first help her with menial tasks around her home Vasilisa agreed and spent three whole days completing every task given to her on the third day Baba Yaga gifted the young girl a burning skull shaped lantern to light her way home.

Once Vasilisa reached home she went inside and lay the skull lantern down in the hearth mesmerized by the skull the step mother and sisters gather round drawing closer and closer until they were engulfed in flames and turned to ash this meant Vasilisa was free from their cruel ways to live a happy life.

Of course not all the tales of Baba Yaga depict her so kindly such as the tale of the peasant children who were sent into the forest by their evil step mother to purposefully seek out Baba Yaga. once they reached her hut they were greeted by an angry old woman who proceeded to chase them for trespassing. Fortunately for the children Baba Yaga had been neglecting the plants, objects and animals of the forest for sometime and so they helped the children to escape.

A black cat appeared on the path leading through the garden of Baba Yaga's hut showing them the correct route out towards the gate once the children cleared the gate it slammed shut behind them and roots from the tree's began to raise up from the ground hindering Baba Yaga's path stopping her from gaining on the children where they were able to escape back to the safety of their father who they told everything to and so angered by what his children told him he banished his wife from their home to protect his family.

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