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Blog 15 - Mara

What A Nightmare

mara attacking her next victim

Did the king deserve his fate?

The Mara was first recorded in the 13th century and was beli9eved to ride upon a blood red steed or in some cases a tree. She is able to entangle the hair of her male victims into maralocks as they slept to subdue them enough to continue her attack.

There is one particular instance of the Mara at play when King Vinlandi Sveigoisson of Uppsala had broken a promise to his wife Drifa telling her he shall return to her from a trip within 3 years.

After 10 years had pasted and the king had yet to return as promised Drifa sort out the help of a sorceress named Hulda to lure the king back home and if she failed then he should be assassinated.

When the king did not return home Hulda did as she was instructed by Drifa and she summoned up the Mara who tracked down Vinlandi waiting for him to fall asleep before beginning her attack having her help hold down his head while she trod over his legs until they where broken before sitting on his chest until he drew his very last breath.

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