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Blog 12 - The white horse

Green with envy

A white horse

Do you think rider and horse became one?

The chief of the Cree tribe had a beautiful daughter who had two brave warriors in rivalry for her hand in marriage. The first a warrior from Lake Winnipegosis and the second a Sioux chief from Devil's Lake.

The girl liked the warrior from Lake Winnipegosis best and when he gifted her father a brilliant white horse from Mexico he was given blessing to marry her. However the Sioux chief was angered by the news he was rejected and sort revenge on the day of their wedding he invaded the ceremony with a war-party.

The warrior acted quickly helping his bride up onto the white horse before jumping upon one of his own as they fled the celebrations with the war-party following close behind. They were chased onto the prairie where the couple used bluffs to hide managing to evade the Sioux chief only coming out once they felt it was safe again.

They headed out onto the open plains but the white horse was so bright it could be seen for miles in any direction and the war-party was soon back on their trail again. Still unable to catch the lovers the Sioux chief ordered a volley of arrows be fired at them. The arrows landed knocking them from their horses as they both lay lifeless on the ground.

The warriors horse was captured right away but the white horse managed to evade capture with ease. One of the war-party members claimed he saw the spirit of the bride rise up and enter into the body of the horse just moments before it fled the scene across the plains to freedom.

From time to time after locals reported that the white horse had been seen roaming in the area but they dare not approach believing that the spirit of the young girl lived within the horse.

Long after the white horse passed people claimed they had often seen the soul of the white horse still galloping across the plains even to this day and named them the white horse plains.

Many years later a statue was built and placed at St. François Xavier on the Trans-Canada highway just west of Winnipeg in honor of the white horse and it's beautiful young rider.

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