A magical coat of colours

is patience a virtue or should you ask and receive?
Long ago Belgians believed when the world was first created that all birds were grey. Until one day the great bird king called all the birds of the land to him pointing a wing up to the sky the birds eye's followed looking up to see a magnificent shimmering rainbow. The birds gazed in awe wishing they too could be as bright and colourful some day.
The great bird king promised if each bird chose a single colour from the rainbow he would grant it to them. Hearing this all the birds began to push and shove one another yelling out loud which colour they wanted. Green for the parrot, Red for the cardinal, Blue for the jay, Yellow for the canary and Pink for the flamingo. Only one bird the little finch sat and waited patiently for her turn.
Before long all the colours and the rainbow were gone and the birds slowly began to leave pleased with their new colours. The great bird king then noticed the little finch still sitting quietly in the corner calling her over he asked "Why did you not chose a colour?" The little finch hopped over explaining "I was simply waiting my turn but now all the colours are gone" unable to hide her sadness the little finch began to cry asking the great bird king between sobs "Does this mean I will always be grey now?" The great bird king looked at her and said softly "Always be grey because you did not push, peck, yell or scream. You were polite and waited your turn, for this act I will see to it that you do not remain grey."
With that the great bird king summoned all the birds of the land back to him once more as they line up in front of him he began taking a small piece of colour from each and gave them to the little finch. After he was done the little finches feathers shone bright with all the colours of the rainbow and she was declared the prettiest bird of them all.