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Blog 6 - La Maupin

Bold, Badass and Bisexual

La Maupin holding a sword

How will history remember you?

Born 1673 in Paris, France to King Louis XIV's grand squire Gaston d'Aubigny. Young Julie watched her father everyday training the king's pages and maintaining the royal stables until the day game when she was finally old enough to take part. Gaston taught Julie everything he knew about fencing, combat and showmanship so that she may fend off any who fancy themselves as a potential suitor or enemy that get in her way. He also taught her other skills such as horseback riding, fist fighting, horse maintenance and repair along with some other less desirable skills like drinking excessively and gambling.

By the time Julie had reached sixteen she had already acquired a taste for blood and promiscuity. When she began having an affair with her father's boss Count d'Armagnac. However this didn't last long once he realized Julie was not going to change her wild ways or settle down deciding she was ultimately going to be too much for him he offered her up to Monsoir Maupin whom she agreed to marry. Soon after the wedding Maupin was given a prestigious administration position in the south of France but Julie agreed to say in Paris the cost of this would be not really getting to see her husband as often. An arrangement Julie was more than happy to go along with as it meant she had money, a title and the marital status of her husband that alone allowed her much more freedom than it would if she wasn't married.

Now using her new title of La Maupin Julie soon moved to Marseille where she met Seranne a fellow swordsman who just so happened to be on the run accused of stabbing a man to death during an illegal back ally brawl in Paris. Julie stayed with Seranne training and learning all the sword skills he had to offer.

After leaving Seranne behind La Muapin took to the streets holding public swordsmanship exhibitions to earn money. Luring in any potential opponent by taunting them in the form of a humiliating song knowing their immediate response would be to challenge her to a duel in an attempt to restore their now tarnished reputation a duel they would most certainly lose. At one of these exhibitions La Maupin's show of skill was so impressive that one audience member began calling her out for cheating accusing her of being a man dressed in women's clothing to which she promptly responded by ripping open the shirt she was wearing exposing her bare chest for all to behold.

La Maupin's reputation for being a great entertainer gained her an audition for a job she never would have imagined taking the offer of a role at the Paris opera where she stayed a while and enjoyed a growing amount of success. Julie's operatic performances where just as exciting as her exhibitions had been which caught the attention of a local merchants daughter one night after the show they agreed to meet sparks flew and their romance began right up until they were caught disgusted the young girls parents immediately whisked their daughter way turning her to god by placing her in the local convent but this would not stop La Maupin as she signed herself up to the very same convent as a postulant. Together the young lovers hatched a plan to escape the convent and runaway. That night La Maupin stole the dead body of a nun laying in wake placing it into the bed of her lover before setting the convent on fire allowing them both to escape. However their relationship was short lived lasting only 3 months before La Maupin was arrested and charged with kidnapping, body snatching and arson fortunately King Louis granted her a pardon and all charges where dropped.

Taking her new found freedom Julie headed back to Paris making her return to singing in a local tavern where the guests were known for getting a little rowdy at times of course this didn't bother her until one particular night when she found herself in the mists of a 4 way duel finishing off each opponent one by one driving the point of her weapon through the shoulder of the last young man. After the evenings events had come to an end La Maupin felt a twinge of guilt seeking out the young man's room where she would attempt to apologize only things ended up not going as planned and instead he was now added to her growing list of conquests leaving 3 weeks later with a friendship that would last her lifetime.

Not long after La Maupin received an invite from Prince Philippe of France to be his guest at the King's royal ball. In true La Maupin style of course she attracted the attention of the beautiful young women who had been sent there to find themselves a wealthy suitor which seemed to spark a hint of jealousy amongst the eligible bachelors there and as usual ended in a duel where the 3 noblemen lost but this show did not come without notice as the King was not impressed by the display and so La Maupin thought it best to leave Paris for a while and lay low in Brussels.

La Maupin's time in Brussels wasn't exactly as low profile as it should have been when she found herself in the middle of another affair this time with the Prince of Germany. This romance didn't last long and broke down ending her time away from home. She returned to France once more going back to her husband Monsoir Maupin and reprised her role as the star of the Paris opera until her death in 1707 at the age of 33.

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