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Blog 8 - The Frog Prince

Don't judge a book by it's cover

the meeting of the prince and princess

Would you accept the frogs terms?

Queen of the western isles proud, strong and an exceptional leader to her people who were confident and happy under her rule.

One day the queen took ill her skin shone with the sweat from fever and her once bright eyes hung as she drift in an out of wakefulness. As the days passed and no doctor throughout the kingdom could find a cure for their beloved queen's illness sent them spiraling into despair.

On the seventh day the queen summoned her three daughters with a weak voice she began to recall the story of the well in the woods filled with water sourced from a noble princes blood that gave it magical qualities like the power to cure and ailment if consumed.

The queen brought forth her eldest daughter go in to the woods and fetch back a small vile of the wells water as you are the bravest person I know. That night once their mother was peacefully sleeping the three girls met to air out their worries to one another surely she is close to death if she is willing to believe in childhood tales claimed the two eldest girls the youngest spoke up in defense of her mother stating that if this was to be their mothers last wish then they should oblige to bring her as much comfort as possible if she were to pass.

So the next morning the eldest daughter made the trip into the woods to find the well. As the day went by and night began to set in the eldest daughter finally returned to the castle greeted eagerly by her younger sisters whom she had to inform her trip had been in vein as there were conditions on taking water from the well that she was unable to meet but as an alternative she collected water from the river explaining that if it's purpose was to simply soothe their mothers mind then this would do because she would not know any different. Once they had all agreed they gave the vile to their mother to drink before heading off to bed resting easy in the thoughts that the water would bring comfort to their ailing mother or so they thought.

The next morning the girls returned to their mothers bedside to find that she was not comforted by the water but in fact she had grown even sicker and was becoming weaker and weaker with every day that passed.

Once again the queen asked the same thing but this time of her second eldest daughter agreeing to her mothers request she set off to the well to fetch the water for her mother. Later that evening she returned to the castle also with river water and a look of disappointment across her face stating that she too was unable to meet the requirements needed to again access to the well's water.

The lights in the castle lay dimmed and the staff knew this was a sign the queens time was coming to an end. By now the queen was unable to stay conscious long enough to speak so weak the only thing she could do was lay helpless in bed.

However the youngest daughter did not require a summons from her mother to take on the task her sisters had previously tried in vein.

That evening she saddled up her horse and rode off into the night towards the woods. The journey was treacherous as her horse struggled many times to find sturdy footing between the tree roots that cover the floor and the lack of light only moonlight to guide the way through causing them to get lost.

In a brief moment of despair when she thought they had completely lost their way she saw a glistening in the corner of her eye coming from a break in the trees and there it stood the well full of water shimmering in the moons glow. Immediately she approached hopping down from her horse and without hesitation raised her arm ready to swipe through the water but before she could out jumped a frog demanding she stop right away causing her to stumble backwards in fright not expecting a frog to jump out on her let along a frog that could speak. The frog informed her that if she would like water from the well then she would need to meet his conditions jut like her sisters had both been asked before. She cautiously asked him what his terms were to which he stated to gain access to the wells water you must be willing to take my hand in marriage. Still in dismay at what was being asked of her and also that both of her elder sisters had refused the terms knowing that it could save their mother.

Doing what she needed to for her mother and also the people of their kingdom knowing how much they all needed their queen she accepted the frogs proposal and with that plunged the vile into the wells water as the stunned frog looked on fully expecting her to refuse just as her sisters had done.

Scooping the frog up placing him upon her saddle they made their way as fast as they could back to the castle just as dawn was breaking over the kingdom.

Once they arrived safely back behind the castle walls the youngest daughter jump down from the horse frog in one hand vile in the other she began racing towards her mothers chambers with both gob smacked sisters in tow until they finally managed to catch up exclaiming how she couldn't possibly be serious about marrying a frog which lead to a tussle coming through the doorway as the vile was launched into the air smashing on the ground. In a frenzy the youngest daughter dropped to the floor in a desperate attempt to save any amount of the water she could but it was pointless the water was gone.

She began to sob still on the floor as the frog gently reminded her that the well water was made from his blood and that if she strike him on the neck with her dagger he would give his life to save her mothers. At first the girl refused she has very quickly grown fond of the little frog and now he was willing to sacrifice himself. Looking around at the dire situation she knew it was the only way to save her mother and she would have to make a choice quickly as her mother was drawing her last breath she struck down beheading the frog lifting his lifeless body to her mothers lips so that the blood may drop into her mouth.

As the next few moments pass the family could hear the cries from their people in mourning outside as they broke down. the youngest daughter wishing that f they had just let her go to the woods first maybe they would have been able to save their mother at that moment she felt a comforting hand upon her shoulder and quiet voice encouraging her to open her eyes to behold her mothers gaze. To the young girls disbelief she opened her eyes as requested and there sat her mother before her cheeks flush with life and a loving smile across her lips. News traveled fast amongst the staff that the queen was cured, alive and doing well.

A few more moments pass as the family gather around before the queen finally spoke up to ask who the new friend was with her youngest daughter asking for an introduction to which she replied in a saddened tone I would but I cant because he gave his life for yours.

Once more the soothing voice pipped up from behind her for I am also healed just like your mother. Turning around she saw the most handsome man standing before her his eye's the brightest emerald green, hair as dark as the night sky and the softest voice she so fondly recognized as the frogs.

The prince explained that many years ago he was trapped by a curse to live out his life as a frog until the day came where he could give his life in service to his one true love. Now he had sacrificed himself to serve his queen he hoped the young girl would still be willing to accept his hand in marriage asking her once more.

The youngest daughter was overjoyed as she happily said yes and soon the two became the best of friends and lovers where they married beside the well in the woods and when it was truly time for the queen pass aged 94 the kingdom was passed down for her to rule and she did just that leading the people as good and fair as her mother once did with her frog prince by her side.

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