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Blog 9 - Maid Of The Mist

The Story Of Niagara Falls

maiden in a boat floating through the mist

Would you have warned the people who abandoned you when grieving?

There was a young maiden who lived a quiet but happy life in a small village by the river with her husband. Until one day he grew sick passing away a short while later plunging the young woman grief stricken woman into a deep depression as she slowly gave up on her own life.

One night the maiden restless with sorrow took her canoe and set off down the river humming a song of death as she went. The currant carried the canoe further down stream picking up speed as it neared the falls when it inevitably reached the edge she fell from the boat and over the top.

Heno the god of thunder who lived in the falls heard her cries and went to investigate catching her gently in his arms carrying her to the safety of his home through the watery veil where Heno and his sons tended to her needs and in turn healed her broken heart.

Over time the maiden and the youngest of Heno's sons became close falling in love they eventually married much to the delight of Heno. Soon after their wedding the young couple welcomed a son of their own who quickly grew to idolize his grandfather following him step by step everywhere he went observing and learning what it was to be a great thunder god.

As time passed though the maiden's feelings of longing to see her people once more grew stronger by the day. Until the day finally came but was under the most unfortunate circumstance.

A great snake had swam down the river spreading it's poison through the water as it went causing sickness and death to the people. The snake soon left with plans to turn to devour the bodies left behind by the poisons harsh effects.

When the maiden heard of the snakes plans she begged Heno to allow her to see her people so she may warn them. The maiden packed up her things and left with Heno's blessing seeking out her people she told them of the great snakes plan and advised they seek shelter further inland where they would be safe.

A few days passed and the snake returned as planned only to find the villagers gone sending him into a fit of rage hissing and and thrashing as he made his way back up stream in search of them. Heno heard the snakes rage and rose up from the mist striking down the great snake with a giant thunderbolt killing it in one blow.

The snakes lifeless body then started floating down stream hurtling towards the falls as it became lodged right on the edge forming a semi-circle that blocked huge amounts of water above the thunder gods home.

Heno began wading through the falls but the waters force was too strong he knew if he didn't act fast his home would be destroyed and so he called upon his son's and the maiden for help. The youngest son catching up to his wife and child who were ahead following Heno's lead through the water of the falls and up to into the sky to safety where the thunder god made them a new home.

From this new home they were all able to keep a close protective eye over the people and so they say Heno's voice can be heard still to this day in the thunderous might of Niagara falls.

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